Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!!

Today is Luke's 14th birthday. Time sure does fly by. I can not believe that my sweet first born is 14 and bigger than I am. We had cake and ice was good. I ate a lot of icing and my teeth turned blue. At, then end, Clay grabbed an air soft shot gun and shot himself in the leg. You may ask, "why?" He did not think it was loaded...but guess was! So, now he has a red mark and it was self-inflicted! haha! That was the entertainment for Luke's party.
We will be celebrating another birthday (Cole's 12th) in 3 more days. So, we will save half of the cake for that day. And for those that are thinking...poor Cole, he won't get a new fresh cake! Well, I will put this cake on a smaller plate and it will seem like it is new! J/K The cake had Luke's name and candles and Cole's name and candles. We can't eat two cakes in one week...ughhhh!! :P
Happy Birthday my sweet Luke!!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Happy birthday Luke!!! You got boiled peanuts for your b-day!! Your the man. You are so handsome and such a sweet boy. Remember, I was your favorite Aunt when you were a baby. You were just too cute. I love you Luke!!!