The boys and Ken were out of school for Veterans' Day. So we took them to the Montgomery Zoo. We all had a great time. Tate loved seeing all of the animals and the older boys enjoyed seeing Tate have so much fun. When we saw a Bengal Tiger, he was sitting right next to the glass. We took some pictures of him and I got the boys to sit next to him. When Ken got close to the glass the tiger showed his teeth. Ken back away, then another man got close and looked at the tiger. The tiger lunged and growled at him. Everyone jumped. I said that I do not think that he likes men. So a woman went real close and put her face on the glass and roared. The tiger did nothing. The man came back and the tiger did it again. I was able to get a picture of the second time. It was soooo cool! The guys loved it and it scared Tate just a little. Of course, once we were away from the tiger, Tate was talking all about the tiger going "ROAR!" We had a great time!
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